Years of releasing music, now considered underground classics, The Rebirth return with some determined heat with their first video and single “This is Coming To?”, from their forthcoming album “Being Thru The Eyes of a Child”.
Noted director and friend, Eric Coleman of the Mochilla crew brings his artistic visionary flare alongside camera guru Michael Park to bring the single to life, with visual projection spicing provided by Noah Massey and Richard E.
Many independent artists need support in many ways and The Rebirth is no exception. With only a few days left in their campaign, any contribution will be purposed with getting their new full length out. Even if it’s as simple just pre-ordering the record or sharing the link, each positive action matters.
If your are inspired by the new sounds and you want to make an impact then you can also show some love with a proper purchase of the single “This Is Coming To?” on I-Tunes. It all makes a difference.
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